First Home Buyer Loans

Knowledge Hub

House Prices Close Out 2020 Strongly

Despite the predictions of widespread and dramatic falls in house prices in 2020, it appears the exact opposite has unfolded. The latest data from CoreLogic shows that house prices across the country have finished the year incredibly strong, marked by a 1% increase in...

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What is Positive Gearing?

As interest rates continue to fall, there has been more and more talk about the concept of positive gearing. Simply put, when a property is positively geared, it generates more income than it costs to hold. Most property investors are faced with a number of costs that...

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4 Popular Investment Strategies

Property investing has been a powerful way to build wealth that Australian’s have been using for generations. The great thing about property is that there are a number of different approaches you can use that all increase your wealth over time. The exact strategy that...

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Budgeting Wisely at Christmas to Get a Loan

Christmas is coming up so it’s important to start thinking about your budget over the holiday period. While we all love giving presents, if you’re looking at potentially applying for a home loan in the new year, it’s important that you don’t do any damage to your...

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How to Finance Your Home Renovation

How to Finance Your Home RenovationAs the window begins to close to access the Government’s Home Builder grant, there is still enough time to capitalise if you’re looking to build or substantially renovate. Given that the requirements are high for renovators, many...

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Getting An Alternate Documentation Loan

Getting an Alternate Documentation LoanAs we know, all borrowers have different circumstances and that’s why there is never a one size fits all approach when it comes to lending. For the majority of full-time employees with a good credit history, you will likely have...

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Why You Should Consider Refinancing

Why You Should Consider RefinancingAs the Australian economy gets back to normal on the back of the COVID-19 enforced shutdowns easing, borrowers are sitting in an enviable position. The moment lockdown measures started, the RBA acted quickly and cut the official cash...

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